Giving Back - The Service Dog Project

Over the years, Betsy and her family have become very involved with the SERVICE DOG PROJECT, which is just down the road from them in Ipswich, Massachusetts. They now own Scarlet and Mischa—two of the “puppy mammas” for the Service Dog Project.  Scarlet has had 3 litters and is the mommy to George (of Bella and George below) and Mischa has had one litter.  All of their puppies have been trained and donated as mobility service dogs all around the country.

The puppies from our dogs Scarlet and Mischa become mobility service dogs that are trained and donated by the Service Dog Project.  For more information, visit

Betsy has donated thousands of dollars to the Service Dog Project with her line of jewelry created exclusively for them.  She donates 50% from sales of all Service Dog Project jewelry back to them. 

You can view and purchase the Service Dog Project Collection by clicking on the photo below:

The Service Dog Project (SDP) provides a better quality of life for the mobility impaired.  SDP has donated over 100 Great Danes as service dogs to individuals who have severe balance and mobility limitations.  These dogs provide a valuable service and have enhanced the quality of life for their owners.  

Service dogs have been placed with children, war veterans,  Mutiple Sclerosis, Friedreich’s Ataxia and more.  While each dog received extensive training for balance, once a dog is paired with an applicant, the dog is uniquely trained to suit their needs.  

The Service Dog Project is a registered 501c3 and is fully accredited by Assistance Dogs International.   Located in Ipswich, Massachusetts on a 12 acre property with heated kennels, fields and a large arena, these areas provide the necessary space to raise the dogs from birth to graduation and even back for retirement if needed.

SDP is has grown to include over 70 volunteers and at anytime will be the home of 30 (or more) dogs in training.  It is funded solely by the generosity of our expansive community and corporate support.

In addition, has paired up with the Service Dog Project.  This has enabled millions of people around the world a “window” into the world of the Service Dog Project.  Day and night, there are 4 cameras that allow viewers to watch the training, feeding, birthing and the daily life of these Great Danes as they become service dogs and eventually get donated.  To the view the Service Dog Project “cams” through, visit:


Photo Credits on this page go to Terri Unger Photography:

Photo Credits on this page go to Terri Unger Photography: